Hearing Tips
Why Holiday Treats Make Tinnitus Terrible
Tis the season for holiday cookies and dessert. Learn about how sugar can affect tinnitus before you overindulge!
Why Could Wearing That Hearing Aid Earn You More Cash?
Worried about the cost of hearing aids? You might be surprised to know what NOT having hearing aids is costing you.
Minor Hearing Loss: Who Should Really Be Concerned?
These days, people are no longer patients, they are healthcare consumers who take charge of their personal health management. Illnesses like heart disease or diabetes are not just a normal part of getting old, either. With this awareness, people develop an...
Hearing Aid Research News
Researchers are looking at ways to apply new signal processing strategies to the design of hearing aids.
How You Hear
Expert information on how you hear, hearing loss and options for restoring your ability to hear at Sherman, TX
Listening and Communication Enhancement Program
Listening and Communication Enhancement training will help you get the most out of the sounds of life.
Cochlear Implants FAQ
Hearing through a cochlear implant is different from normal hearing and takes time to learn or relearn.
Hearing Aids Help Keep Your Brain Fit
Having trouble hearing but reluctant to try hearing aids? Social isolation, diminished quality of life and an increase in your risk for age-related cognitive decline and dementia are just a few of the potential downsides to your lack of action. New research findings...
J. Gill
"I wouldn't send my friends to anyone else for hearing help!" — J. Gill, patient
H. Zunk
"I'm real happy with mine and my wife's hearing. I hear things I can't remember hearing before. The T.V. is set about half the volume, which makes everybody happier. We are so happy with what you have done for us. Thank you." —H. Zunk, patient