Hearcare  INC., & Associates - Sherman & Gainesville, TX

Man with hearing loss looks concerned but won't get hearing aids.

Your life can be significantly affected by hearing loss, in a way that goes beyond the inability to hear. Having difficulty executing daily tasks, and strained relationships are examples of the overall effect of loss of hearing.

A study carried out by AARP found that untreated hearing loss had a greater effect on quality of life than:

  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Despite the fact that it has a negative impact on their lifestyle, a lot of people who have hearing loss refuse to seek treatment. Researchers have found that many people experiencing hearing loss are still worried about a perceived stigma attached to it. If others find out they suffer from hearing loss, people are scared they will be treated differently. It doesn’t matter how old they are, this perception can alter the way they view themselves.

Your Not The Only One

As lifespans grow longer, hearing loss has become more prevalent, in spite of the fact that it can impact people of every age, The World Health Organization reports that over 1.1 billion people are at risk of hearing loss and the perceptions that come along with it, many of them young adults. One of the most common health problems facing young adults is, as a matter of fact, hearing loss. The resistance to getting help persists even while the amount of people with hearing loss increases. How is one’s general health impacted?

What is The Perception of Hearing Loss?

A brand that labels someone as inferior is how sufferers of hearing loss feel and that is the actual meaning of stigma. The anxiety for many people with hearing loss is that they will appear less capable, older, and possibly less healthy.

Historically, there is some basis for this worry. A 2010 study found people were not as well accepted when they suffered from hearing loss. But the data from this study is almost 10 years old. As hearing loss is becoming more widespread, this perception is improving. Celebrities visibly wear hearing aids and the technology is becoming more sophisticated, stylish, and fun. Research shows that some other age related health issues, such as dementia, may be slowed or even prevented by getting treatment. This is changing peoples mind about hearing loss and also their hearts. Despite this, some people still don’t get the treatment they need.

Why Does It Matter?

It is easy to say that perception doesn’t matter, but if this fear is keeping you from getting help, know that there are health repercussions for not getting treatment. People get colonoscopies, according to an AARP survey, more often than they get hearing tests. Not getting a hearing exam because you refuse to recognize your hearing loss will impact your health as you get older.

Consequences of Undiagnosed or Untreated Hearing Loss

Your overall health will be affected by these physical consequences;


In life, everything is more difficult when you are struggling to hear. You have to work more than others to hear conversations and sounds. Because you can’t hear traffic or that person coming up behind you, you have to put more work into staying safe as well. You will become chronically fatigued simply by trying to hear common sounds.


Tension and anxiety can cause migraines and other kinds of headaches. Studies have shown a link, though you may not have realized there was a correlation, between some forms of hearing loss and migraines. Your brain needs to make up for the sounds you can’t hear, so even if you’re not prone to migraines, the constant effort can make your headache.

Mental Health

Anxiety and depression are some mental health problems you could also end up facing as a consequence of untreated loss of hearing. Hearing loss can lead to dementia and frequently causes social isolation. These issues, in turn, often produce physical symptoms including reduced energy levels or moodiness.

The Negative Perception of Hearing Loss Can be Overcome

Surmounting these negative perceptions starts with getting help. It is possible to treat hearing loss. Your only creating your own hardship by not seeking help.

You also may be stressing out over nothing because not all hearing loss is permanent. Simple earwax buildup can lead to loss of hearing, but you won’t know for sure unless you make an appointment to have a hearing test.

Make sure you do something about it if you find out that you do have hearing loss. Nowadays hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes. More inconspicuous styles are available if you feel concerned about people finding out you have hearing loss.

You can prove everyone wrong if you deal with your hearing loss in the right way. You can be just as active and healthy as everyone else, so wear your hearing aids with confidence. Everyone who experiences hearing loss will also be benefited by your actions. Raise awareness and stay healthy by not giving in to negative perceptions.

You don’t have to be less capable if you have hearing loss, because it’s actually a medical condition. So see a hearing professional for a hearing test right away.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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